

Eggplant, this food has a distinctive taste, and we eat in marinated and Alababagnuj However, inverted and fried, grilled, and cooked dishes vary from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf in the tastiest dishes.                                                                    

Does Eggplant has benefits? 

The research suggests that peel eggplant very rich, in anthocyanin (Nasonin) and is one of the most powerful antioxidant that protects cells and its wall from the crash.

Why we should keep Eggplant shell during cooking?

It is advising those who want to preserve the cells and their beauty and freshness and prevent their destruction and rapid damage by eating eggplant shell.

Eggplant and nerves:

Studies indicate that Nasonin protects nerve cell specific fatty membrane, which works in a similar way of the modus operandi of omega-3 and olive oil in the nerve cell and increase its functions and its ability to work protection, so always would advise all those who were suffering from neurological or weakness in the memory problems or focus or feeling tired and apathy and weakness mental need to make part of your daily food contains eggplant,

Eggplant for bones and blood:

Eggplant is very rich in calcium, which holds many benefits for your bones and teeth, and is rich in iron making has many benefits for red cells.
Eggplant as antioxidant:
Eggplant superb ability to make iron balance studies suggest that increased iron in the body contributes to the increasing generation of oxidants and cause cancer and atherosclerosis, and many of the negative impact on the brain cells, causing Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Studies indicate material Nasonin in peel eggplant you take iron overload, and protects it from the increased oxidative stress and the occurrence of these diseases associated with oxidation and especially high cholesterol, arthritis, and therefore we recommend patients with arthritis, high cholesterol, up eating eggplant to reduce the symptoms and prevention of these diseases.
Eggplant and atherosclerosis:                                                                      
Studies have indicated that: giving animals infected with atherosclerosis, eggplant juice gave very impressive results not only lower cholesterol in the blood, but also surprised by the demise of cholesterol deposited on the wall of the arteries and decreases cholesterol on the wall of the aortic artery of these animals, and coincided with the relaxation of the blood vessels and increase blood flow in the blood vessels
