Why Us' Star Chrissy Metz undergoing Mandatory Weight Loss?

The new contract with the show and Metz mandated her to lose weight
Metz's character, Kate, struggles with being overweight. So, she has joined a support group and keeps to a strict diet as per new NBC drama condition. Kate's weight loss journey will be "parallel to my life," Metz said.
weight loss

"In our contract, it did state that that would be a part of it, to lose the weight in the trajectory of the character as she comes to find herself," she added.
Metz's weight loss, and Kate's, will be a gradual process and done in a healthy way. And the actress made clear that she isn't doing this because she's achieved fame.

"Whether or not I lose weight or stay the same, it's purely a choice of mine for health. Not because I think that plus size, curvy, voluptuous, big bodies aren't attractive — because I think they're awesome and sexy," she added. "So I'll just have to make sure that's known, because I'm not selling out the big girls. I don't do that. That's not me."
